About The Dripping Coffee Experience

A little backstory

My coffee affair started as a typical upgrade from instant coffee we were used to consume at home. The upgrade was made possible thanks to my Mother, who gave us a Nespresso Latissima Touch. Had she known it'd bring upon a severe case of upgraditis, she'd certainly choose another gift. Soon, we'd enjoy the experience of making beautiful and delicious (not so sure about that now) coffee as well as hosting family and friends over.

After about a year of indulging in this hobby and buying all sorts of Nespresso pods, the Latissima had broken. We were back our previous state: Instant Coffee. Obviously, it was merely a matter of time.

This time, I wanted to ugprade the experience even more. After what seemed to be thousands of hours spent online, lurking forums, YouTube, and reviews, we invested ina Gaggia Classic Pro paired with a dedicated grinder. This machine was a game-changer. This is where our true coffee journey really began.

Fast Forward Today

A year went by, upgraditis kicked in, and after another round of endless hours online and consulting friends, we purchased our current machine: Profitec 800. Aside from astonishing looks, this machine provides an amazing experience. Thanks to this machine I expanded the variety of different kinds of beans I drink and generally started to apprecaite espresso even more.

Meanwhile, I'm learning a bunch, and I hope I'll be able to transform some of my passion and knowledge back to the community, to you.

Myself with my beloved Pro 800

Contact Us

If you'd like to contact us for collaboration, for sharing a story or anything at all, please, send us an email at boristofu@gmail.com